Fire Extinguisher Service in San Francisco

Fire extinguisher service is something that every business needs. However, it’s also something that you can’t trust to just anyone. The dedicated, experienced team at Excel Fire Protection will be there to help you with everything that you need when it comes to fire extinguisher service in San Francisco and the surrounding areas. We can provide on-site inspections, comprehensive reports, recharging services, certification, and other maintenance and service. 

In addition, we also have a full line of U.S.-made fire extinguishers that are available for all uses and can provide you with replacement units for any of yours that are defective, outdated, damaged, or otherwise in disrepair. Whether you know what service you need or you’re looking for a little help figuring that out, give us a call. 

Our inspection services will check for things like tank damage, unit pressure, proper tags and seals, and other potential issues. We’ll make sure that units are functional and ready for use and then certify them to ensure that you are compliant with the law. If you don’t have proper fire extinguisher service performed, it could cost you big in the way of fines, and that’s money you can’t afford to lose. 

Fire Extinguisher Certification San Francisco

Certification of fire extinguishers is another essential part of any fire protection plan. At Excel, we can provide initial certification and fire extinguisher recertification in San Francisco for businesses and commercial buildings of all sizes. We will inspect all units to ensure proper function, check locations for accessibility, and make sure that everything is in order. We will also check the tamper seal, nameplate, and other aspects to make sure it meets the fire code. 

Once the fire extinguishers have been inspected, we will then provide certification or advise of any repairs that need to take place before we can certify. All certified and recertified units will be properly marked and documentation will be provided for recordkeeping so that you can continue to maintain compliance with the law. 

If you buy extinguishers from us, we will certify them with installation to ensure that everything is working properly. However, even if you’ve purchased your units elsewhere, we can provide fire extinguisher certification in San Francisco for all brands of extinguishers. Our experienced team is trained and licensed to do it all. You can’t let just anyone certify a fire extinguisher, either. There are rules regarding who can and can’t do this, but the team at Excel is definitely on the shortlist of people you should call. 

Fire Extinguisher Recharge in San Francisco

If fire extinguishers aren’t properly pressurized and charged, they may not function properly. Lacking pressure can result in a defective operation or a total failure of the unit. If the extinguisher has been recently used or you haven’t had yours checked and charged in a while, it might be time to give us a call. We can go over the details of your fire protection plan and help you come up with a list of solutions that we can provide. 

Whether that’s a single recharge for your units or a comprehensive service and maintenance plan, we’ll be there to help you every step of the way. Plus, you won’t have to worry about how often to inspect, recharge, or certify your units because we’ll keep you on a good schedule and remind you when it is time for service in the future. 

Recharging fire extinguishers is a dangerous task that should only be done by those who are properly trained. It might seem “easy enough” for some who have similar experience, but it’s really not. Plus, you can violate certifications and cause other issues by doing it incorrectly or trusting it to the wrong people. Just let us handle the job and you’ll have the peace of mind that it’s done right and you’re ready for any emergencies that come your way. 

Contact Excel Fire Protection for Your San Francisco Fire Extinguisher Needs

No matter what kind of service you need for your fire extinguisher in San Francisco, Excel Fire Protection will take care of it all. Our team has years of experience in servicing, recharging, certifying, and otherwise ensuring that extinguishers are in good working order and safe and ready to use at all times. We can help with all kinds of service needs, as discussed above, including 6-year services and 12-year services, and more.

If you’re not sure how often you need service or when the last time your fire extinguishers were serviced, call the team at Excel Fire Protection. We care about your safety and want to make sure that you are compliant with the laws, as well, to avoid serious fines and penalties. Contact us now to schedule your appointment or find out more about our fire protection and fire extinguisher service in San Francisco. 

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